It's Exercise With Your Child Week! Exercise with Your Child Week, which falls on August 4 to 10 this year, is an exciting opportunity for families to get those muscles moving.
Our 21st-century lifestyle has meant a lot of sitting or lying down as the technology around us does most of the hard work. This sedentary day-to-day life puts us and our children at risk of many physical and mental ailments. From having weak muscles, bones, and immune systems to suffering from being overweight and having heart diseases to depression and anxiety, the list goes on and on. Children need our guidance and support to lead a healthy life, and this is why Exercise with Your Child Week encourages families to unite as one while exercising.
Exercising doesn't have to be all sweat and effort. It can consist of fun activities filled with quality time for you and your children. Before starting, consult a child physician to determine the best exercises according to your children's physique.
How to Make it Fun
Listen to Music. Exercising has got us huffing and puffing, but that does not mean we have to listen to it. Make a music playlist with your children, and have it playing when you exercise. Including this element in your daily exercise will help you and your children to get into the zone.
Learn a new activity together. There are so many things we can do to get our exercise quotient in, be it playing a sport like tennis or learning swimming. You will not only get your muscles and bones moving, but you will also be learning new things while doing it.
Incorporate household responsibilities. Every household has some amount of chores that need to be done daily. This is the perfect way to get the children moving throughout the day. The chores could be anything like mopping the floor or putting the dishes in the dishwasher.
Exercise is essential for everyone. It not only keeps us healthy and running for the rest of our lives, but it also keeps us fresher and happier. Exercise is, in fact, linked to mental detoxification as it can allow you to decrease symptoms of depression and low self-esteem.
Childhood, without a doubt, can be some of the best years of our lives. As children, our worries tend to be minuscule. This is why we should make the most of it by exercising and moving about. Good habits developed in childhood will benefit one in the long term.
As a family, we do a lot of activities together. From shopping to eating to watching a movie, it all makes for quality time. Adding exercise to the equation is great because not only are you benefitting your bodies, but you are also adding more quality time to family activities.
If you are interested in starting an exercise program for your child/ children, contact your pediatrician for guidance. Summit Medical Group has pediatric offices across East and Middle Tennessee. If you are looking for a pediatrician for your family, visit our pediatrics webpage today to find one near you.