Contact Us

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For medical questions, to make an appointment, or request a prescription refill, please contact your physician's office directly.
Physician office contact information:

For questions about billing:
Phone: (865) 212-3618
Toll Free: (800) 289-9545
Operating Hours: 8am - 4pm (EST)

To tell us how we're doing / provide feedback:

(We respond to messages Monday - Friday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. Medical questions should be sent directly to your provider through the Summit Patient Portal.)

Media Inquiries:
All media inquiries should be directed to:
Matt Miller, Marketing & Communications Manager
Phone: (865) 500-2007

Summit Medical Group Corporate Office
1275 Dick Lonas Road, Suite 101
Knoxville, TN 37909
Phone: (865) 584-4747
Toll Free: (800) 289-9545
Fax: (865) 584-1363

*Please note: E-mails sent using this link may not be secure and should not contain medical, insurance, or other confidential information. In addition, emails using this link are received at Summit's Corporate office and should not contain information addressed to physicians, or otherwise, related to health concerns.