Belonging, Support and Happiness: Why Friendship is Vital to Our Health

July 30th is recognized as International Friendship Day to serve as a reminder of the value of friendship in our lives. Friendships contribute to our emotional well-being, provide support in times of need, and offer joy and companionship. On this day, we celebrate not only the friends we cherish but also the universal value of friendship as a force for good in the world.

Why Friendship Matters

Friendship benefits people's lives in so many different ways. Here are several reasons why friendship is important to our health:

  • Friendship Enhances Emotional Resilience. Sharing good times with people you love and having a network of friends to help you through those bad times makes it easier for you to navigate the ups and downs that life inevitably throws at us.
  • Friendship Boosts Brainpower. The University of Michigan has found that hanging out with other people - even just for ten minutes - will improve your ability to solve problems and your brainpower.
  • Friendship May Improve Sleep. Did you know that friendship even helps improve your ZZZs? In a study, the University of Chicago found that people are more restless during sleep if they don't socialize.
  • Friendship Makes People Healthier. A study carried out at the University of North Carolina found that people without strong connections have higher abdominal obesity rates and increased blood pressure.

The beauty of all friendships, whether tried and tested or new and burgeoning, is that each one is unique from the last. Friends make life so much easier, whether they are going on a trip with us or are just listening to our issues and offering advice. Not only is their presence important during difficult times, but they also make a big difference when they join us in celebrating our victories and sharing our joy. So, today more than any other day, we have a chance to let all of those besties, whether near or far, know how much they are cared for and appreciated. It's the chance to reach out to old friends, new friends, and even those we see every day of the week, and do something that celebrates what friendship means.